Shawnee Fossil Plant

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Shawnee Fossil Plant has 19 groundwater monitoring wells, 16 of which have been polluted above federal advisory levels based on samples collected between February 10, 2010 and October 16, 2019. Groundwater at this site contains unsafe levels of manganese, boron, molybdenum, sulfate, cobalt, arsenic, beryllium, chromium, lead, nickel and strontium.

Site description

Shawnee Fossil Plant is a 1,206-MW coal-fired power plant located near Paducah, Kentucky along the Ohio River in McCracken County. The plant, which is owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority, has been in operation since 1966. Shawnee has nine active generating units, while a tenth unit was idled in 2010 and retired in 2014. Shawnee has a cumulative ash disposal area of just over 300 acres, including both ash ponds and ash landfills built over old ash ponds. All these units are unlined, and they share a common groundwater monitoring system.

You can find the industry-reported data here. For more information about the Shawnee Fossil Plant, see EIP's 2019 National Coal Ash Report.

Monitoring Wells Wells reporting one or more exceedances for at least one pollutant.
16 / 19
Wells not shown Locations for the following wells are unavailable:

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No exceedances
One or more exeedances
No data available
Other designation
Well "halo" size corresponds to mean concentration. Please note that some wells may not be visible on the map due to overlapping locations.
Pollutants monitored and above guidelines
Tip: Click on a contaminant to view wells that have recorded exceedances. Click again to remove the filter. arsenic beryllium boron chromium cobalt lead manganese molybdenum nickel strontium sulfate
Pollutants monitored and below guidelines
antimony barium cadmium copper fluoride lithium mercury nitrate radium selenium silver thallium
Pollutants not monitored
ammonia, cyanide, gross alpha particle, gross beta particle, hexavalent chromium, nitrite, tritium, uranium

Facility last updated on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 05:00:48 PM EDT