Download Groundwater Quality Data
Use the form below to build a custom query. Results will be delivered to your inbox in CSV format. For a copy of our entire groundwater quality database, please contact us at or call 202-296-8800.
Note: The Environmental Integrity Project developed Ashtracker to provide public access to detailed groundwater data and increase transparency. Users are not authorized to download or otherwise use data obtained from Ashtracker for commercial purposes. When using the database in reports and other publicly-available outlets, data should be credited to Ashtracker and the Environmental Integrity Project. When requesting the entire database, we may ask that you sign an acknowledgement stating that credit will be appropriately given and that data will not be used commercially.
Please choose at least one filter.
Date range
Ashtracker contains data from 2010 to the present.
No readings match your search.
Enter your email in the box below and we'll send you a link to a CSV-formatted spreadsheet of data. We only use your email for delivery purposes and will not store or share it.
Please note that spreadsheet build time depends on current volume and the size of your request. It may take several minutes for the data to reach your inbox.