Deerhaven Generating Station has 28 groundwater monitoring wells, 18 of which have been polluted above federal advisory levels based on samples collected between October 05, 2015 and October 25, 2019. Groundwater at this site contains unsafe levels of molybdenum, radium, thallium, arsenic, sulfate, lithium, boron, antimony, cobalt and lead.
Site descriptionGainesville Regional Utility’s Deerhaven Generating Station is in Gainesville, Florida north of Turkey Creek in Alachua County. Deerhaven Generating Station was opened in 1981 and has one coal-fired unit and natural gas or oil-fired unit with a net capacity of 429-MW of electricity. The Deerhaven Station Landfill and Surface Impoundment are both regulated under the CCR rule.
You can find the industry-reported data here. For more information about the Deerhaven Generating Station, see EIP's 2019 National Coal Ash Report.