Homer City Generating Station has 28 groundwater monitoring wells, 21 of which have been polluted above federal advisory levels based on samples collected between March 05, 2010 and August 30, 2019. Groundwater at this site contains unsafe levels of manganese, sulfate, lithium, lead, arsenic, barium, chromium and cobalt.
Site descriptionHomer City Generating Station is a 2,000-MW coal-fired power plant located 45 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in Indiana County. The plant began operations in 1969 and is currently owned by NRG. According to EPA’s 2009 data, Homer Homer City's coal ash disposal system is comprised of 14 ponds (3 unlined) and 3 landfills (2 unlined). The Homer City Ash Disposal Site is regulated under the CCR rule. You can find the industry-reported data here. For more information on Homer City Generating Plant, see EIP’s 2019 National Coal Ash Report.